How to safety your runescape account

To Prevent Hacking

Did you know that you have to log in using your Username – and you cannot using your “Display Name”. For those that don’t know the difference; A display name shows up in-game to everyone. Now just think – People may try and hack an account using your Display Name, thinking its your Username. Who are they to know any different? So its like they’re trying to hack a non-existent account! Having a different display name to your username is a great asset.

The password is your first Line of defence. A good password means your less likely to be hacked – initially. But I’m not

New update in Runescape

Runescape just recently had a new update,in the update we saw new weapons and attacks released. One of the weapons being a sling. This is like a sling shot and…

How to trim lag for runescape.

Importantly boil down lag for runescape well.

Withdrawing Viruses and Spyware.

Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware.

Instal the exe and update the broadcast before feeding a full read. Wait for the scan to finish and remove all viruses discovered.

Cleanup Registry, Junk files, Cookies and System optimisation.

Download Advanced SystemCare.

RuneScape Game Bar – New Friends List Feature

Back in August we released the RuneScape Game Bar, a toolbar for your web browser that gives you up to date information about your RuneScape account. Tens of thousands of players have now downloaded and installed the Game Bar, and the overall feedback was you wanted it to do more!

I am pleased to announce that our latest update is now live and allows for you to see which of your friends is online. This is a great feature for checking who is online while you’re away from RuneScape; it will ensure that you never miss your friends when they log in.

Other features of the Game Bar include:

Scavenger Race Competition

We’re happy to announce a ferocious scavenger race competition around RuneScape that will involve loads of running, a bit of skilling and whole lot of fun! Before you get too excited, this competition is not about grinding a skill, but a race around the RuneScape map that involves many skills.

The starting point of the race is the Lumber Yard east of Varrock, however, the next steps will not be revealed until just before the start of the race. It will be up to you to equip yourself with items you think will be most useful for whatever you might encounter during the race…

Many prizes await you in this in-game competition, so keep your eyes peeled. Intrigued? Check out the Scavenger Race thread for

T.S. Church Live Forum Q&A

The paperback version of the T.S. Church’s RuneScape novel,“Betrayal at Falador”, is now available in North America (and will be released in the UK on 22nd October), thanks to its massive success since the hardback launch back in July 2008. To celebrate the launch, we’ve managed to grab Mr Church for an exclusive Q&A session.

If you’re an aspiring writer looking for advice, are a fan of T.S. Church, or just want to try your hand at prising information out of him on what he has planned for the sequel, then this is the Q&A session for you. The Q&A will be held on our forums on Saturday October 16th at around 8pm (BST/official forum time).

In the meantime, we’ve created the T.S. Church Q&A – Questions thread for your questions and it’s open and ready for your quizzical gems right now. Make them silly, make them serious – it’s totally up to you! We’ll be sending a copy of

Charm Sprite Hunting

If you’re a practised hunter with a passion for Summoning, you’ll be able to turn your skills to good use and bag some handy rewards in the process, with this new Hunter skill update (for players of level 72+).

The Taverley druids’ constant forays into the Spirit Realm have had an unforeseen impact on RuneScape. Invisible creatures, which are actually the power contained within charms, are spilling out into our world. Yaktwee Swinmari Cianta, aged gnome hunter and self-proclaimed “jack-knife-of-all-trades”, expounds the virtues of staying in shape by capturing these “pesky little critters”, more commonly referred to as charm sprites.

Make-X Improvements and Low-level Combat Changes

Many of the Make-X menus in the game have been redesigned. The new version doesn’t require you to right-click to choose Make-X or Make-All. Also, wherever the new menu offers Make-X, it also offers Make-All, so you won’t have to keep typing the same numbers manually. Some of the newly introduced Make-All options include smelting ores, fletching bows and crossbow stocks, and other such popular skill activities.

We’ve also added a couple of new ranged and magic options for low-level players. Rangers might like to get hold of the new sling weapon, which doesn’t need any ammunition to use, and mages should give the new level 1 Wind Rush spell a try as it only requires air runes to cast – or free with a staff of air equipped. Slings are dropped by creatures in the Continue Reading

The popular online games

Today, popular online games in the world. My online collection of the 10 most popular online games. If you want to play the game trying to find, may wish to reference.

ado, the following listed:

1 .Runescape :Runescape is world’s most popular free MMORPG (Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game. It is free to play. You have to solve more than 150 quests using 24 unique skills. You may start playing right away by visiting the
