FIFA 16 PC Custom Controls Guide

  FIFA 16 PC custom controls guide to help you customize PC controls and any other game controller.   In case you're playing the game for the first time or…

The advantage of FIFA 16

 FIFA 16 is the first video game, including the women's soccer team. The game has realistic graphics. The game for the players has great stats for each player. For anyone who hasn’t played, Fifa 16 makes it easier to read and…

FIFA 16 : An analysis

How long series have been running on this point, EA Sports has found polish, disciplined and refurbished digital sports, it was amazing.  Even with stand-out titles in Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer franchise, FIFA is here to stay and FIFA 16 seems to be the best yet. The Ignite Engine debuted in…

FIFA 16 : Incredible game

When you see "FIFA 16" for the first time, you will feel it is a real soccer match. They'll hear me shout, cheer, and swear just like I would during a…