99 Hunter Guide in Runescape

Level 1-19- Crimson Swift

From level 1-19, I would suggest trapping Crimson Swift with your Bird Snares. Simply set up the traps along the Eastern part of the Feldip area where bordering the water area where you are able to see the Crimson Swift and wait. You will trap them and receive Bones, Raw Bird Meat, Red Feathers each time. Simply drop the Raw Bird Meat as you get it, and either drop/bury the bones you receive.

Level 19-29- Tropical Wagtail

From level 19-29 I would suggest trapping Tropical wagtail with your Bird Snares. These Birds surround the ponds in the area West of where you were catching the Crimson Swift. There are 2 different ponds in the area, and both of them have Tropical wagtail surrounding them. Do the exact same thing you did with the Crimson Swift, only at level 20 you are able to set up 2 traps, and therefore you can set up 2 Snares rather than just 1.

Easy to get Runescape gold as a noob

In this article you can make runescape gold without being very high all you need is an easy quest and about 20k (thousand) to realy get some money.

money is hard to come by in runescape rite ? Wrong. money is easy as long as you no wat to do. .

this guide is an easy way to make adequate cash and save up to get that dragon or other costly stuff. all you gotta do is an easy quest rune secrets. (if you have already done this quest just go down right until you find the money making share) to complete you dont need anything. to start go to lumbridge then go to the second floor of the castle. talk to duke haracio and ask for a quest then he will give you a talisman. then go to the necromancers tower (if you dont no where it is go onto ur map and go to draknor then go down untill you find it) then go to the stairs and go down. when you go down seek advice from the head wizard. he will give you a package and tell you to go to aubury in varrock. to find varrock go to ur map again and at the bottom type in varrock. you shuld then go to the left side bar on the map and go down untill you find sorcerous shop then click on it when ur map is over varrock. it shuld then show one magic shop blinking. go to that man and then talk to him with the research package that the sorcerer shuld have given you. he will give you some notes and then ask if you want to be teleported outside of the wizards tower. then walk down the stairs, speak to the necromancer and then congradulations. .

To this, quest accomplished!

Member benefits in runescape

What are useful Runescape member in the end, many people who are new to Runescape want to know. I would like Runescape official website has also been stated, I am here to tell you.Please go away if you know.

Runescape membership can cost from anywhere from $6.00 to $7.50 depending on the way that you purchase below are some benifits of members

1. Tons of extra quests that can mount to some time and skill leveling making it more fun… over 200 extra quests compared to like maybe 20…

2. Extra Skills that you can train can lead to a higher total level and even a combat level… extra skills are very fun to train and you can mount up to a lot more money using them with such skills as slayer, once you practicly become a member you can almost make 10M per slaying assignment,I think this is very important, there are many skills in Runescape only members may have. So if you want to have some skills, you have to allow themselves to be members. Such as Agility, herblore, farming, fletching, summoning etc …

3. Higher Combat Levels are one more beinifit of many to add! On nonmember worlds you can only get a level of 130, and that is with having 99 of all nonmember combat skills and hp… On a members world you can get up to 140 combat level, only because of one extra skill, Summoning, a creature that will follow you on runescape and will help you fight!!

Moneymaking Guide on runescape

Today, I will be telling you how to make money in RuneScape, from when you first start your account, to when you are a high level. It will be from killing monsters to skilling to quests to picking up items that are worth quite a bit.

When you first complete the tutorial, do both of the Strongholds. There is the Stronghold of Player Safety, and the Stronghold of Security, you get 10,000 coins from each. To complete the Stronghold of Security, you must first set recovery questions on the RuneScape website. After you have your first 20,000 coins, it will become easier from then on.

Low levels: Kill cows. There is a field located Northeast of Lumbridge. Warning:Bring a weapon, armour, and food, otherwise you could die. When you have a full load of cow hides, use them on Barry, and he will bank the, all for a 10% fee, which is fine, because they sell for 200gp a piece.

A guide to 99 Crafting on Runescape

Getting 99 Crafting is just as much work as getting any other skill to 99. The crafting skillcape is the 15th most common skillcape found in Runescape currently.

Level 1-10: Cowhides

From levels 1-10 you are going to buy tanned leather, a needle, and thread. Just make the highest thing you can, gloves, coif, boots, etc.

Levels 10-64: Spinning Flax

From levels 10-64 you are going to spin flax. Now you have to spin 27,058 flax to reach level 64. This will take a long time but you will make somewhere around 3+ mill profit.

Level 64-84:Bodies

I recommend you spin bodies, instead of chaps, or vamps because you only get slightly more xp, but lose a lot more money. At level 64 start by making green hide bodies until 71. At level 71 start making blue hide bodies. At level 84 start making black hide bodies.

From here you have several choices of getting 99 crafting.

Runescape Dungeoneering

Created in 2010, Dungeoneering has raised a lot of eyebrows from higher level players. After a few surveys done in my own time, i found most are worried this form…

Smithing guide in Runescape

There are no tricks to smithing, no shortcuts, and it takes a great deal of time and patience to get to 99 smithing. But there are ways to shorten the long period of time.

Levels 1-29

Do the Knights sword quest, great smithing XP-Getting to level 30 should not be a problem, smith and smelt bronze or iron, buying bars is ok because it won’t cost to much to get to level 30.

Levels 30-69

Buy a lot of coal and iron and smelt steel bars at Al Karid, try to buy in a 2:1 coal:iron ratio-Do not smith the bars or you will end up losing money, instead sell them at 550-600 ea at world 1, and try to sell in bulk-This method gets you: 7k smithing XP, and 40k an hour-With more money, increase the size of your stock and repeat-Smelting mith is not generally a good idea since it costs more to make the bars than to sell-Also while smelting, try to buy some steel bars from other smelters to merchant off them, you’ll need the extra money.