99 Hunter Guide in Runescape
Level 1-19- Crimson Swift
From level 1-19, I would suggest trapping Crimson Swift with your Bird Snares. Simply set up the traps along the Eastern part of the Feldip area where bordering the water area where you are able to see the Crimson Swift and wait. You will trap them and receive Bones, Raw Bird Meat, Red Feathers each time. Simply drop the Raw Bird Meat as you get it, and either drop/bury the bones you receive.
Level 19-29- Tropical Wagtail
From level 19-29 I would suggest trapping Tropical wagtail with your Bird Snares. These Birds surround the ponds in the area West of where you were catching the Crimson Swift. There are 2 different ponds in the area, and both of them have Tropical wagtail surrounding them. Do the exact same thing you did with the Crimson Swift, only at level 20 you are able to set up 2 traps, and therefore you can set up 2 Snares rather than just 1.