Crafting Guide in Runescape


Crafting is rumoured to be a slow, useless and boring skill, but once you get into it there’s lots to do! You can make everything from pots for collecting flour to dragonhide armour for rangers. Crafting can be found all over the RuneScape world: the amulets people wear, the vials used in herblore and the Mystic Staves used by Magicians in battle. These items are all made by crafting. Please note that items shown shaded in grey (in tables below) are members only items and cannot be made or used in free (F2P) worlds.

If you are just starting out in Crafting you may want to pay a visit to Roddeck the Advisor in the building just east of the Lumbridge General Store to learn about the different kinds of crafts.


The Smithing Guide in Runescape


Smithing is a production skill in which players make a wide variety of metal items from raw ore and purified bars of metal. It is the companion skill of Mining, which generates all of the raw materials used in Smithing.


The first step in making your own armor or weapons, is to smelt your ore into bars. To do this, go to any one of the furnaces located in towns all over the land of Runescape. When you have the ore in your inventory, simply click on the furnace to start smelting.

Bandos vs Vesta

Bandos was voted winner of the previous battle. So once again he ventures off to find the new apponent. httpv://

All auxiliary skills for Runescape

Some Runescape skills just a membership, but free members can practice many skills.Now we come to be classified.

melee:Runescape players rely mainly on melee, the other for assistance.

smithing:Mainly used to manufacture metal products.

crafting:Manufacture of clothing, clay things, jewelry, etc.,there are more things in this regard paying members.

mining:Closely related and smithing.

Cooking Guide in Runescape

When starting at level 1, the best thing to cook would be shrimp. Many will burn, but shrimp isn’t too expensive, and if you really wanted to, you could fish it, although I would suggest buying it because it saves time and it doesn’t really cost a lot. As you gain cooking levels, you will notice that you will burn less and less, but the levels will take longer to obtain.

If you wanted to cook something else at these levels, it’s alright, but shrimp is cheap and good pace for this level range.

Cooking speeds up a little more here. Starting at 20, I suggest that you switch to trout since it gives more xp than shrimp, and shrimp gets significantly slower as you gain levels. You will burn trout at the beginning, and you may burn a lot, but it shouldn’t be a huge problem, seeing that trout’s not expensive either. Also, around level 30, I suggest either starting salmon with trout or stopping trout to cook salmon – just to speed things up. It shouldn’t cost you too much if you sell the cooked food back; but even if you don’t, it won’t cost you much.