Crafting Guide in Runescape


Crafting is rumoured to be a slow, useless and boring skill, but once you get into it there’s lots to do! You can make everything from pots for collecting flour to dragonhide armour for rangers. Crafting can be found all over the RuneScape world: the amulets people wear, the vials used in herblore and the Mystic Staves used by Magicians in battle. These items are all made by crafting. Please note that items shown shaded in grey (in tables below) are members only items and cannot be made or used in free (F2P) worlds.

If you are just starting out in Crafting you may want to pay a visit to Roddeck theĀ AdvisorĀ in the building just east of the Lumbridge General Store to learn about the different kinds of crafts.


You can also get crafting exp from dyeing capes. You can get dyes from Aggie in Draynor Village. Go there and ask her about the colour you need. She will tell you what items are required and her fee. When you have the dye you need, use it on a black cape (get these from killing highwaymen), or on a red cape which you can get from the clothes shop in Varrock. Members can also go to the dyer in the northeast corner of Pollnivneach, or purchase ready-made dyes from the shop in Lletya.

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