Smithing guide in Runescape

There are no tricks to smithing, no shortcuts, and it takes a great deal of time and patience to get to 99 smithing. But there are ways to shorten the long period of time.

Levels 1-29

Do the Knights sword quest, great smithing XP-Getting to level 30 should not be a problem, smith and smelt bronze or iron, buying bars is ok because it won’t cost to much to get to level 30.

Levels 30-69

Buy a lot of coal and iron and smelt steel bars at Al Karid, try to buy in a 2:1 coal:iron ratio-Do not smith the bars or you will end up losing money, instead sell them at 550-600 ea at world 1, and try to sell in bulk-This method gets you: 7k smithing XP, and 40k an hour-With more money, increase the size of your stock and repeat-Smelting mith is not generally a good idea since it costs more to make the bars than to sell-Also while smelting, try to buy some steel bars from other smelters to merchant off them, you’ll need the extra money.

Guide will make you lvl 99 in woodcutting for Runescape

Levels 1 – 15

You can basically do this anywhere there are lots of normal logs. I suggest the western border of Varrock for it is close to a bank, and there are lots of normal trees around. When you get there, weild your axe and start cutting. You’ll find you only get 1 log per tree, unfortunatly. Each normal log gives 25 exp. You should gain a couple levels, around to level 5 in the first batch and you need to cut around 97 logs to get to level 15. This shouldn’t take too long, maybe 10 minutes at the least (or most).

Levels 15 – 30

At level 15, you’ve hopfully gotten the basics of Woodcutting down. From here, do basically what you did for getting to level 15, cut logs. But this time, cut Oak logs. Oak trees give more than 1 log per tree, which is helpful. Oak logs give 37.5 exp approx. each log. Cut the logs in Varrock, the same place as cutting the normal logs. You need to cut approx. 293 Oak logs to get to level 30.

Levels 30 – 60

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Halloween Comic Strip Winner

Despite some of our Jagex colleagues turning green, we’ve finally managed to get through the proverbial mountain of fantastic entries to the Halloween Comic Strip Contest!

Before we go ahead and announce the winner, we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part – we always love seeing the funny, weird and downright wonderful creativity that the RuneScape community has to offer.

In case you’ve forgotten the prizes on offer, the lucky winner of the competition won’t only receive 6 months of RuneScape membership, but we’ll also professionally render their comic strip and send them a signed, framed version!

Okay, that’s enough with the preamble – so who won?