Moneymaking Guide on runescape

Today, I will be telling you how to make money in RuneScape, from when you first start your account, to when you are a high level. It will be from killing monsters to skilling to quests to picking up items that are worth quite a bit.

When you first complete the tutorial, do both of the Strongholds. There is the Stronghold of Player Safety, and the Stronghold of Security, you get 10,000 coins from each. To complete the Stronghold of Security, you must first set recovery questions on the RuneScape website. After you have your first 20,000 coins, it will become easier from then on.

Low levels: Kill cows. There is a field located Northeast of Lumbridge. Warning:Bring a weapon, armour, and food, otherwise you could die. When you have a full load of cow hides, use them on Barry, and he will bank the, all for a 10% fee, which is fine, because they sell for 200gp a piece.
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A guide to 99 Crafting on Runescape

Getting 99 Crafting is just as much work as getting any other skill to 99. The crafting skillcape is the 15th most common skillcape found in Runescape currently.

Level 1-10: Cowhides

From levels 1-10 you are going to buy tanned leather, a needle, and thread. Just make the highest thing you can, gloves, coif, boots, etc.

Levels 10-64: Spinning Flax

From levels 10-64 you are going to spin flax. Now you have to spin 27,058 flax to reach level 64. This will take a long time but you will make somewhere around 3+ mill profit.

Level 64-84:Bodies

I recommend you spin bodies, instead of chaps, or vamps because you only get slightly more xp, but lose a lot more money. At level 64 start by making green hide bodies until 71. At level 71 start making blue hide bodies. At level 84 start making black hide bodies.

From here you have several choices of getting 99 crafting.

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Runescape Dungeoneering

Created in 2010, Dungeoneering has raised a lot of eyebrows from higher level players. After a few surveys done in my own time, i found most are worried this form of “skilling” might help other players get better, quicker, and would have to sacrifice much less to get to a high level.

Smithing, for example. Usually to get the materials from scratch, it could take up to a week to make around 1000 steel bars. And that would only get you up about 5-15 levels give or take. Or if you bought the materials, you’d be looking at around 1mil for 1000 steel bars.

Where as, in dungeoneering. You can easily get up 2-3 smithing levels in a single dungeon. And, if working hard enough, about 10 levels over the course of an evening! As well as making big progress in other levels, such as dungeoneering, mining, etc.

Smithing guide in Runescape

There are no tricks to smithing, no shortcuts, and it takes a great deal of time and patience to get to 99 smithing. But there are ways to shorten the long period of time.

Levels 1-29

Do the Knights sword quest, great smithing XP-Getting to level 30 should not be a problem, smith and smelt bronze or iron, buying bars is ok because it won’t cost to much to get to level 30.

Levels 30-69

Buy a lot of coal and iron and smelt steel bars at Al Karid, try to buy in a 2:1 coal:iron ratio-Do not smith the bars or you will end up losing money, instead sell them at 550-600 ea at world 1, and try to sell in bulk-This method gets you: 7k smithing XP, and 40k an hour-With more money, increase the size of your stock and repeat-Smelting mith is not generally a good idea since it costs more to make the bars than to sell-Also while smelting, try to buy some steel bars from other smelters to merchant off them, you’ll need the extra money.

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Guide will make you lvl 99 in woodcutting for Runescape

Levels 1 – 15

You can basically do this anywhere there are lots of normal logs. I suggest the western border of Varrock for it is close to a bank, and there are lots of normal trees around. When you get there, weild your axe and start cutting. You’ll find you only get 1 log per tree, unfortunatly. Each normal log gives 25 exp. You should gain a couple levels, around to level 5 in the first batch and you need to cut around 97 logs to get to level 15. This shouldn’t take too long, maybe 10 minutes at the least (or most).

Levels 15 – 30

At level 15, you’ve hopfully gotten the basics of Woodcutting down. From here, do basically what you did for getting to level 15, cut logs. But this time, cut Oak logs. Oak trees give more than 1 log per tree, which is helpful. Oak logs give 37.5 exp approx. each log. Cut the logs in Varrock, the same place as cutting the normal logs. You need to cut approx. 293 Oak logs to get to level 30.

Levels 30 – 60
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Planned Outages on Thursday

We will be undertaking some essential server maintenance on Thursday 4th November. The login system will be offline for approximately thirty minutes, starting from 9am (GMT), while we switch servers, during which time you will be unable to log into RuneScape and our games on the and websites. The forums will also be unavailable during this time, and again later on in the day.

Throughout the rest of the day, there will then be intermittent outages of the following Jagex games and services:

  • Forums
  • Highscores
  • Ratings
  • Arcanists profile editing
  • Armies of Gielinor save games
  • Bachelor Fridge
  • Dungeon Assault
  • Kickabout
  • War Of Legends

We shall endeavour to keep any disruption to a minimum and we thank you in advance for your understanding.

Forum Anniversary Celebrations

It has been one year already since we launched forums for our Danish, NorwegianPolishSpanish and Swedish communities. In celebration, we’ve arranged a few events you may wish to join us for.

We begin our celebrations on Saturday 6th November with a traditional ball at Falador’s Party Room. Everybody is welcome to attend and put some bits and bobs into the chest. Check out theForum Anniversary thread for more details.

On Sunday 7th November at 3pm (GMT), a special Forum Challenge thread will be revealed. Find out how much you really know about our forums and give yourself a chance to win one month of membership!

Finally, we would like to invite you all to celebrate with us with a PvP fight. Decide which community you want to support, get the right cape and come to the Bandit Camp to fight for domination. Be careful: it will not be a safe battle! For more details on this event, check out the Domination Challenge thread.

Looking forward to see you!

Halloween Comic Strip Winner

Despite some of our Jagex colleagues turning green, we’ve finally managed to get through the proverbial mountain of fantastic entries to the Halloween Comic Strip Contest!

Before we go ahead and announce the winner, we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part – we always love seeing the funny, weird and downright wonderful creativity that the RuneScape community has to offer.

In case you’ve forgotten the prizes on offer, the lucky winner of the competition won’t only receive 6 months of RuneScape membership, but we’ll also professionally render their comic strip and send them a signed, framed version!

Okay, that’s enough with the preamble – so who won?
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Runescape strength pure guide(F1P)

At first i suggest to make money by doing a skill such as woodcutting or mining. (i do not suggest fishing for banking reasons.) make about 200k or so. (use the grand exchange in varrock for selling your items).

At first when you begin your leveling buy full iron set and an iron scimitar i recommend using trout or salmon as starting food preferable trout. In Lumbridge you will find goblins and cows i recommend training there until about 20 attack and 20 strength (make sure to buy steel scimitar at 5 attack).

Next in my guide i suggest to buy mithril scimitar and better food such as tuna or you can stay with salmon and trout your choice. go to the stronghold of security the one located in barbarian village. walk in and i suggest to fight the goblins through the first door, or the minotaurs north of them. fight them until about 30 attack and 30 strength, (thus buying a adamant scimitar.)

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Players’ Gallery

The days grow shorter, the nights grow longer and it’s time for spooks and fiends to roam the globe. Yes, it’s Halloween and, with that in mind, we have a rather special gallery for you this month: it’s everything ghastly and ghoulish! We’ve been through all of your sinister Halloween-themed entries and selected the very best that the community had to offer. Indeed, so good were your entries that we’ve had to split them into two galleries!

The entries featured in the first and second editions are all spinetinglingly awesome, but two of them really stood out for us. Congratulations to Teeskut and Turtlefemm – both of these great artists bag themselves a month of membership, concept art from our Graphics team and a certificate signed by the staff here at Jagex (those who weren’t infected, anyway!).

We’re always looking for great artists and, if you’d like to see your work featured on our website, then check out our forum thread which can be found in the Community Home forum.

This article transferred from Runescape official website.If you have any questions, please contact me.