Summoning Guide in Runesacpe

The dream of having a Steel Titan crush your foes. A companion for your adventuring. The deadliest special attacks unleashed on your foe. A cuddly dog following you around runescape. This all can be done with summoning, and a whole lot more…

The summoning skill was a long awaited skill and proved to match construction, for it was a very big skill that all came out at once on January the 15th, 2008.

It is a members only skill which you can only use after you complete the quest Wolf Whistle. Unlike other skills, summoning is a temporary skill, meaning that whatever you do will disappear if time allows. Just like Construction, it has received minor bug fixes and updates after released, but did not get a major update for some time. The summoning skill just like prayer, gets drained slowly when using familiars/having them summoned. It allows players to infuse to essence of a variety of monsters/creatures into what runescape calls summoning pouches, which when used can summon these creatures called familiars. Each familiar has a different ability that requires a summoning scroll, made from the same kind of pouch which is used to use the ability.

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Def pure Guide F2P in Runesacpe

Step 1. Go to and create an account. Finish the tutorial.

Step 2. You will need to get a bit of money. Complete the Stronghold of security. You get 10k and a nice pair of boots. Be careful. Bring some armour and go in. There are very high level monsters and they can kill you. Complete the Stronghold of player security. (Google it, there will be guides to complete it)

Step 3.Get an iron full hem,leather chaps and a leather body and a bow and arrows. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Get Kayles sling or a normal sling. It shoots fast and dosent use any ammo which means it dosent use arrows.(Optional) Cape, necklace or some other sort of decoration. Go to falador and kill chickens. Collect the feathers for some easy profit aswell as some good xp. Do this until range 10. Do not use the longrange attack option as that will train defence, which you will not need.

Step 4.Once you have passed 10 ranged go to monks at Edgeville. Kill them. No food is required. Just talk to the monks and they will heal you. Do this until 20 ranged. Continue reading “Def pure Guide F2P in Runesacpe”

Five ways to have fun in Runesacpe

1.Is mostly to link into your brain that Runescape is the funnest thing you could be doing in that moment! Plus playing with a smile on your face always helps, as when you smile the muscles that you use trigger a substance in your brain which actually makes you feel good! So smile!

2. to have a free plan of what you’re going to do on that day on Runescape. I usually find that when I’m playing if I’m on a schedule I don’t tend to enjoy it, but if I’m doing whatever I want I’m more relaxed with it. Plus if you are in a state of comfort, you can instantly see results as you are definitely relaxed while playing!

3. To have great fun on Runescape is to play with friends! As it’s friends who usually have great plans for a activities/events to do around Runescape! For instance recently with the Halloween season here, there have been zombie hunts in clan wars! I would’ve never have found out this, and actually gone to the event if my friend hadn’t taken me over! So thanks! Plus I eliminated all my boredom, and gained a whopping 5 levels in my attack when I’d finished doing it for 3 days!

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Melee Training Tips in Runescape

Here are some tips to use while training melee.(U’ll mayb know all of them but still read its helpfull much)

1.While fighting and u like to be safe so u’ll surely eat something at half health but no wait for the fight to end first becuz eating in a fight take u 1 hit which cud be the last hit and mayb becuz of tht u will lose more health than u healed >.< But for monsters like the king black dragon or even at barrows or god wars dungeon its recommended to eat in fights and pray.

2.If u are not thinking to run away from a fight then never move while fighting with a scimitar u can lose hit acording to the amount of steps u did.But mayb if u see a dragonic visage on the floor and ur fighting then run to it!

Behind the Scenes – November

November is packed full of juicy updates for those who managed to avoid the ravenous zombie hordes of Halloween. A brand new desert quest (with monkeys in, of all things!), 13 new ‘warped floors’ (with matching bosses, rewards and challenges) AND a new area that combines Hunter, Farming and Herblore awaits!

Dungeoneering – The Warped floors

Requiring level 95 Dungeoneering to access, this is undoubtedly the biggest ‘high-level skill update’ we have ever released, with some of the toughest and most demanding bosses ever conceived. Even the standard wandering monsters have improved tactics to foil the most experienced dungeoneer. Six new, fully voice-supported bosses lie in wait for you, including the masters of all the unique races found in Daemonheim, like Kal’Ger the Warmonger, the new title-holder for Toughest Dungeoneering Boss Ever™. We also have eight new challenge rooms planned, six of which are available on all floors of Daemonheim.

With increased difficulty comes increased rewards, as the highest possible XP rates are available to those who have a prestige level of the maximum number of floors. Eight new rewards will be available from the rewards trader, including necklaces that regain prayer points as you bury bones, a new pet based around one of our most popular bosses, and the scroll of cleansing, which gives you a permanent chance of making potions faster and saving a secondary ingredient while you do so.

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Mining obsidian in Runescape

As new players to Minecraft will soon learn, finding resources such as sand, wood, dirt and stone is easy. They are all out in the open, or just a short distance underground. Resources such as iron, gold and redstone, along with diamond, are considerably harder to discover, but they are waiting for you if you’re willing to put in the hard work to unearth them. Obsidian, however, is then most difficult of all.

Obsidian isn’t naturally forming, so you aren’t guaranteed to find any already made when you’re playing. You can get lucky and find that the correct circumstances create a small amount for you, but generally you will need to manufacture your own. Obsidian forms when flowing water flows over still lava. After a period of time, a layer of Obsidian will form. Mining non-manufactured Obsidian can be challenging, due to the underlying lava.

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Jagex wins UK Developer of the Year!

We have some great news to share: for the second year in succession, Jagex has won the UK Developer of the Year at the prestigious Golden Joystick Awards in London, England!

It wouldn’t be right to celebrate this incredible and overwhelming achievement without expressing our deepest thanks and appreciation to all of you for voting in your thousands.

Thank you all for your support.

This article transferred from Runescape official website.Thanks for reading, hope to bring you help, if you have any questions, please mail to me, thank you.

Dealing with the Strange Events in Clan Wars…

For the last week, the free-for-all Clan Wars Arena has been subject to incidences of zombies rising up to attack the living. We’ve even received reports that members of the J Mod team have succumbed to the zombie infection and are leading the undead!

It’s not all doom and gloom, though! With the help of players, the remaining uninfected J Mods believe that they have found a cure to this zombie outbreak and they’re looking for your help to put the cure into action.

This Sunday (31st October) at 8pm, the J Mods will be meeting up for the final Alpha Base. From there, it’ll be time to bring the fight to the zombies for the ultimate showdown. The question is: will you fight with the uninfected and destroy the zombies…or will you side with the undead? The choice is yours!

We’ll be keeping you updated on the Forum thread and we’ll be giving you some extra insights via the RuneScape Facebook Page.

Good luck out there!

This article transferred from Runescape official website.Thanks for reading, hope to bring you help, if you have any questions, please mail to me, thank you.

Crafting Guide in Runescape


Crafting is rumoured to be a slow, useless and boring skill, but once you get into it there’s lots to do! You can make everything from pots for collecting flour to dragonhide armour for rangers. Crafting can be found all over the RuneScape world: the amulets people wear, the vials used in herblore and the Mystic Staves used by Magicians in battle. These items are all made by crafting. Please note that items shown shaded in grey (in tables below) are members only items and cannot be made or used in free (F2P) worlds.

If you are just starting out in Crafting you may want to pay a visit to Roddeck the Advisor in the building just east of the Lumbridge General Store to learn about the different kinds of crafts.


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