Don’t forget that from today onwards you can now equip the free community-chosen Thanksgiving title: the Stuffed! You can equip the title from the Customisation Interface in-game! Happy Thanksgiving!
Evolution of Combat Video Guide Competition
The Evolution of Combat community created video guides are still flooding in and there are so many great ones to watch! Be sure to check out this thread, kick back, watch and learn some great tactics from the community.
Combat-oriented Loyalty Programme auras have been overhauled for the Evolution of Combat and thanks to Xuan’s sale, are easier than ever to get your hands on! Here are a few of the best to whet your appetite:
- Inspiration: This will add extra adrenaline with every hit – great for opening up those ultimate abilities all the quicker, particularly with a fast-striking weapon.
- Invigorate: This aura will retain a chunk of the adrenaline you’d usually use when firing off an ultimate ability, so you’ll be ready to break another out all the sooner.
- Vampyrism: This fang-tastic favourite really comes into its own with the Evolution of Combat. It returns life points equivalent to 5% of the damage you deal, and the new EoC abilities mean that a skilled player can push DPS – and the healing from this aura – to lofty new heights.
If you’re eligible to receive the XP reward from taking the Combat Academy survey in the EoC beta period, he will tell you he has an item for you, and the XP can be acquired from the dusty tome he will hand over. Simply activate the item and choose the skill in which you wish to receive the XP reward, which will be ten times as much as you’d receive for redeeming a Jack of Trades reward in that skill!
If you’re a member, you’re immediately eligible to sign up for the Members’ Loyalty Programme. All you need to do is speak to Xuan in-game – found in Varrock market square and north-east Burthorpe.
Once you’ve done so, you’ll get a helping of loyalty points to spend in the store for each month that you’re a member, which increases the longer you’ve been a member. You’ll also be kept informed of updates to the Loyalty Shop, including future special offers and thanks to this limited-time sale, there have never been more rewards available in your first month of loyalty!