Upload the video to YouTube and PM

There are only THREE DAYS LEFT to submit your Evolution of Combat trailers! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a video trailer for the Evolution of Combat. This video is meant to highlight the Evolution of Combat update and show the best bits. Think movie trailer but for EoC! There are no other criteria or requirements. We recommend the video length be less than 4 minutes. Remember: it’s a trailer, not a feature-length film! 😉

To submit your entry, upload the video to YouTube and PM a link to the YouTube video to tripsis on the Tip.It Forum.

We have some very awesome prizes for you guys. The grand prize is provided by Jagex! Get psyched!

First Place – Grand Prize

  • Scarecrow mask cosmetic
  • Green skin cosmetic
  • Turkey hat cosmetic
  • Flaming skull cosmetic
  • Ice mask cosmetic
  • Barbed bow cosmetic
  • 75 spins
  • Custom forum title on Tip.It

Two runner-ups will also receive custom forum titles on Tip.It!

The deadline to submit your entries is: December 7th at 7PM GMT

If you have any questions about the competition, be sure to check out our forum topic.