May 23, 2023

Diablo 4: Druid three most interesting ways to Play

Druid is a new class in Diablo 4. It has been met with players in the early tests. Since this class relies heavily on Diablo 4 legendary Items, it performed very ordinarily during the test. Still, according to Blizzard’s internal personnel According to the disclosure, Druid is a very powerful profession in the middle and late stages of the game because the Druid equipment in this period has been perfected. Next, I will share some interesting ways to play druids when the equipment is complete.

Enhance Summons
If you get the legendary equipment “Boss,” the wolf summoned by the Druid will greatly increase the combat effectiveness. This equipment can strengthen the wolf pack, increase the damage of the wolf pack by 20%, and add poison damage. At the same time, it cooperates with the smashing skill and the two legendary types of equipment of poison debt and shock wave to superimpose 280% damage to surrounding poisoned enemies.

The summoned item is paired with “Shepherd,” which can increase the damage of smashing skills, and “Night Howl” can increase the damage of itself and the summoned item and can restore the blood volume of teammates simultaneously. The core passive skill needs to be activated, “Beast Rage,” with the legendary special effect “Fury,” it can continuously increase the Druid bear and wolf forms’ damage value.

This genre does not require special equipment but is more dependent on summons. All activated skills and legendary equipment are based on strengthening summons.

Transformation Class Construction
The key passive skill, “Nature’s Wrath,” combined with the legendary equipment “Natural Wildness,” can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of Druids when transforming into werewolves or bears. Let your bear skills have a certain probability of triggering the wolf skills of the same type and vice versa. For example, the core skill “shred” in wolf form has a certain chance of triggering the “shatter” skill in bear form. The essence of this genre is to use the fast attack speed of the “shredding” skill in wolf form to frequently trigger “shattering” in bear form through “Wrath of Nature.” If it can be matched with the unique “Yingyue” equipment, it can also increase the critical strike damage.

The legendary special effect “Symbiosis,” with the help of “Wrath of Nature,” can shorten the cooldown time of non-ultimate skills. The “Storm Shift” special effect can increase the transformation skill level.

Storm Stream Build
This kind of gameplay is inseparable from the legendary equipment “Powerful Storm,” “Power of the Earth” can increase the chance of critical strikes, the legendary equipment “Conductor of the Runesmith” can increase the lightning attack for the storm, and the critical strike brought by “Power of the Earth” can Increase the attack time of lightning, and the legendary equipment “overload” will cause extra damage to the target attacked by lightning.

The gameplay of this genre mainly relies on the buff triggers between “Power of the Earth” and several legendary pieces of equipment, which can maximize the damage quickly.

The above are several interesting gameplays of Druids in the later stage. In addition to their own skills, these gameplays depend on legendary equipment’s special effects. It is recommended that players prepare the corresponding equipment before they can experience these gameplays to the greatest extent. Pleasure.

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