August 24, 2017

The ESO Morrowind: Perfect Combination of Visual and Narrative


Morrowind is an excellent MMORPG that can be played in part as an RPG. The game is superb, the story is well built, the quests are countless with good points of humor. For the worshipers of The Elder Scrolls Online, Morrowind allows you to return to the island of Vvardenfell for 30 hours and discover a new class, the keeper. For newcomers, discover an incredible world of incredible graphics, with a very well done main scenario, plenty of side quests, other parasitic players who come to steal your bosses. Let’s take a look about it charms.

The ESO Morrowind: Perfect Combination of Visual and Narrative
The exceptional world

As a particularly large and beautiful world, the scenario is immense with lots of possibilities, surprises and some good doses of humor. Good humor is also sometimes because of my incompetence. For example, the time to steal a poem. I go into the room, I go into stealth mode and I realize that the woman does not pay attention to me. So I get out of stealth mode. I search the whole room, I try to make him pockets and nothing to do! I do not find that damn poem! I see another flying candidate come in and I watch him, see how he does it. And he finished in front of me, looking at me. We are 2 poor idiots not to find the poem. There, between a third candidate for the flight, who after going around the room (and pockets), comes out, then enters, then goes out and re-enters (I had not tested this). And there are three poor idiots who do not know what to do. There between a 4th candidate, which not only enters direct in stealth mode but remains in stealth mode. Monsieur approaches the victim and leaves directly. And there you have 3 brains that light up! We go all 3 in stealth mode, we go to the pockets of the poor woman and we leave, a little ashamed as far as I am concerned …

Too many possibilities

Yes, I know, it sounds absurd. I like to have lots of quests beside the main quest. It’s not something that bothers me. But I think there’s too many opportunities on the capabilities of our character: carpenter, magician, cook, warrior, thief … With each time specific quests … This makes it a bit too much. But sometimes we have no choice. We must develop the culinary talent of our character if we want to create foods to regenerate us. But watching other top players, I met thieves or magicians … What does not enchant me because my character is a warrior … I should have me create a keeper. Maybe I’ll start again with a guard from elsewhere. With a big bear who can be my tank, developing healing powers.

Solo or multi

One of the big advantages of this game is that the boss will adapt to your level, or rather the level of the zone will adapt to that of your character. The difficulty is that if you accompany a high-level character you will end up facing a boss at a level too high and you run the risk of dying after a single shot. And conversely, you will have a boss robbed in one go if someone high level joins you (against your will). But I must admit that some of those with a good level are super friendly. I have been resurrected more than once, like this, without having asked for example.

So in the end, even if you try to play it solo, you will always encounter another player who will interfere with your game. Or sometimes you will follow his footsteps, the corpses he will have left behind, allowing you to pass a difficult area but depriving you of experience points.

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