Which one is the best runescape skill


Most players think it is a difficult skill to learn, but it has its benefits for your character. Of course, you do not want to walk slowly and feel like your character is too heavy. With great agility, you can access shortcuts. When you reach level 70, you will be able to get to blue dragons, which are more fragile second chromatic dragons in Runescape. These monsters are very popular because they drop dragon bones and dragonhide blue, which can be both sold at very great.

combat skills

Most players like this skill because they think that the more powerful you, the better chance of defeating other players. Since it’s war out there, you will be able to survive a battle if you are equipped with high combat skills.


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Rapid Increase Your Runescape Smithing

How to Rapid Increase Your Runescape Smithing,How to Rapid Increase Your Runescape Smithing.

many players not understood the secret

Not many players understood the secret of how to increase your level of Metallurgy Runescape without spending all the money in their bank. Of all the skills available on the free servers, the forge has fewer players at 99. Why?

First, because forging rapidly expensive. If you do not want to take time to melt your own bar, then it will cost much to buy. And very few items will sell for as much as the cost of the bars, so you will not have all your money. Second, it is not exactly exciting … but the same can be said of any skills that require standing around and do the same thing again and again.

I can not address the boring part (although I will say that I write or surf the forge if the task I’m taking some time), but I can not keep it from costing you money . In fact, I can probably help you make money with it (although most people, myself included, will want to spend their profits on several XP).

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Halloween Comic Competition – Final Day

With Halloween approaching day by day, Halloween is also close to the end of the cartoon contest.

If you haven’t entered yet, it’s not too late!

Entering the competition is easy – just head to the Halloween Comic Competition thread, choose one of the three comic strip templates on offer, fill in the missing cells and send your entry to competitions@jagex.com.

The competition closes at midnight tonight, after which we’ll sit down to start the difficult task of deciding the winner, who’ll not only receive 6 months of RuneScape membership, but also a signed, framed print of their comic strip after we’ve had it professionally rendered by one of our artists.

For full details of the competition including rules and terms & conditions, just head to the Halloween Comic Competition thread.

Good luck!

Reports of Strange Activity at Clan Wars

Over the last few days, we’ve been receiving reports from a growing number of concerned players about some strange activity at the free-for-all Clan Wars arena. The reports suggest that there have been zombie attacks on an increasing number of worlds. Apparently, these attacks can come at any time. Most worryingly of all we’re hearing that, in many cases, zombie J-Mods seem to be among their ranks.

If you see a J-Mod in the Clan Wars arena who looks to be infected, please try to save them or, if necessary, break with tradition and kill, yes KILL, the J-Mod – the choice is yours.

We don’t know where and when these apparent attacks will next occur, but we’ll let you know as soon as we find out. In the meantime, we ask that you keep your eyes peeled and your swords sharp. If you witness these so-called zombies, please alert your fellow players in Clan Chat, on the forums, on your Twitter accounts and, if you have a camera, post your findings on YouTube. Our Player Moderators are already creating strike teams, so follow their lead or help them out, or maybe even just start your own strike team.

Continue reading “Reports of Strange Activity at Clan Wars”

Best place to kill greed dragons in Runescape

Sure, there are tons of places where there are green dragons, but do you know the best place? The best place will get you an inventory of bones and hides every 10minutes. Also, it’s close to a bank!

What you need to bring:

Good melee defence armor if you’re using melee.
Good range boosting/melee defence armor if using ranged.
A good weapon. Melee: Whip+DDS. Ranged: Mithril/Adamant/Broad bolts or better.
Ranged potion for rangers.
Combat potion for melee.
Anti-dragon shield or Dragon-fire shield.

Start at the Grand Exchange. Go northwest to the agility shortcut. Go under the wall. Now, go east until you see a beacon where you light fires. Go straight north of the beacon until you see a rift. Go into it and you’ll be in the chaos tunnels. Now you will be in the spiders room. Go into the portal in the south part of the room.

And now you’re at the Green Dragons! Drink a dose of your potion and attack them. There are 5 dragons in total. The best part to this is that there’s a lot of people, so you will kill a lot faster, but this also means you have to hit high. I recommend around 90 strength and 80 attack if you’re not using potions.

New Combat Sound Effects

Before today, all of RuneScape’s sound effects were made using a synthesiser. While this tool is great for a variety of sounds and effects, it is particularly hard to make voices and ‘real world’ sounds with it. We have now updated the game engine to allow us to add ‘real’ sound effects instead of synthesised ones.

We have wanted to improve our sound effects for a long time, in particular the sound of human combat, so we are delighted to announce the following updates to RuneScape’s audio:

woodcutting to make money in runescape

We all know the basics of woodcutting. You cut the tree and get logs. But which logs are the most profitable?

O.k., so basically, Each log has a single value, and an inventory value. A single value is how much the log is worth by itself, and an inventory value is how much a full inventory of them (28 logs) is worth.

Here is a little intro on the value of the best logs in the game.

Yew Logs:

can be cut starting at level 60.

Are worth 505 coins per log Continue reading “woodcutting to make money in runescape”

Sell your junk in Runescape

Worthless junk can build up! They might be hard to sell, but if you know how you might make a bundle of easy cash!

  • First of all, the best technique to get rid of junk, is to go to world 2 in member worlds, or world 1 in free worlds. Then go to the grand exchange area, where people are shouting out what they’re buying/selling. You need some money for this. Step one is to see how much your junk if worth. Now using junk and money, try getting items that are worth more. Here’s my recent example: I had 110k worth of junk (lets say long kebbitbolts). I added 40k cash and traded someone for a obsidian mace, worth 150k. Then i found a guy selling dragon halberd for 200k. I added 50k to the mace and traded for the halberd. The halberd was worth 195k if you high-alchemy it. After doing the math, I received 100k for my junk worth 110k. So, that was a pretty good deal. The trick here is to try and get an item with more high alchemy Continue reading “Sell your junk in Runescape”

Prayer guide for Runescape Members

Are you tired of just burying bones in the ground? Then this guide is for you!

I wasted almost a million coins on big bones, just burying them at the grand exchange and then buying more for hours on end, attempting to reach the holy grail of prayer: Level 43.

Level 43 is the first Prayer level where the prayer, “Protect for Melee” can be used to protect yourself from the harm of all but the most powerful melee attacks.

This is the way that I got not just to 43 prayer, but all the way to level 50, and then with more bones and still having the desire to boost up that level even more. Continue reading “Prayer guide for Runescape Members”

Mining guide for Runescape member

A very simple, and quick way to get from 1-99 Mining.

So, you want to get to 99 mining? Mining is one of the slowest and most tiring skills in Runescape. With clicking every rock, right clicking every ore, then dropping every ore, it may just be the most boring as well. Repeating the same task for hours on end, not able to do anything else for days or even weeks.

But Mining pays off in the end. Starting at level 85 Mining, you can mine the coveted Rune Ore (Sells for around 13k). At level 99 you have a much better chance of getting the ore than if you are 85.
Continue reading “Mining guide for Runescape member”